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                                             Thousand Foot Krutch

Thousand Foot Krutch
е рок група създадена през 1997 г. Реализират пет студийни албума (Set It Off - 2001 г., Phenomenon - 2003 г., The Art of Breaking - 2005 г., The Flame In All of Us - 2007 г. и Welcome to the Masquerade - 2009 г. Групата се състои от трима члена. Вокалът им Тревър Макневън (Trevor McNevan) е също така и член в собствена странична група на име FM Static, а Джоуел Бруиер (Joel Bruyere - бас китара) започва свой проект през 2009 г. - The Drawing Room. Третият член е Стийв Аугостин (Steve Augustine), барабаниста им.


Тревър МкНевън (Trevor McNevan) създава бандата в Peterborough, Онтарио, град североизточно от Торонто, където той всъщност завършва гимназия. Джоуел Бруиър(Joel Bruyere), роден в Брантфорд, Онтарио, е бил приятел на Тревър като дете и въпреки, че се е преместил, е поддържал връзка с него. Барабаниста Стийв Аугостин (Steve Augestine) е от Хамилтън, Онтарио. Първата банда на Тревър била Oddball, където участвал и бъдещият китарист на TFK Дейв Смит (Dave Smith), Тим Бакстър (Tim Baxter) на баса и Неил Сандерсън (Neil Sanderson), на барабани. Oddball записва само един албум - Shutterbug,реализиран през 1995 г. Тревър със Дейв Смит са основали Thousand Foot Krutch.Те записват общо седем албума, а Тревър издава още три със FM Static.

TFK са работили със продуцентите Aaron Sprinkle(Mae/Anberlin/MxPx), Gavin Brown Three Days Grace/Billy Talent/Thornley), Arnold Lanni (Our Lady Peace/Finger Eleven/Simple Plan), и Ken Andrews (Beck/Chris Cornell/Pete Yorn/Tenacious D).

Thousand Foot Krutch са споделяли сцената с групи като Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace, Finger Eleven, Hinder, Cake, Jimmy Eat World, Paramore, 30 Seconds To Mars, Our Lady Peace, Red, Flyleaf, Yellowcard, Jars of Clay, Sum 41, Trapt, Econoline Crush, Daughtry, Matthew Good Band, Gob, Skillet, Korn, P.O.D.,Chevelle, Sevendust, 10 Years, Demon Hunter, Switchfoot, Hawk Nelson, MXPX, Anberlin, Relient K и много други.

Shutterbug (1995 г. – 1996 г.) 

Shutterbug е реализиран от Trevor McNevan. В албума участват Дейв(китара), Тим(бас), Нейл(барабани) и Тревър(вокал). Има 27 песни в албума,като първата половина са рок, а втората хип-хоп. Записват го при Barry Haggarty Студио в Peterborough, Онтарио, Канада. Тревър работи в МакДонълд и на други места за да плати на студиото.

That's What People Do (1997 г. – 1999 г.) 

That's What People Do е написан в годината когато създава TFK, но е риализиран чак през 1998 г. От него са продадени повече от 5 000 копия. TFK водят класациите в Онтарио и околностите му. Два месеца бива един от петте най-търсени албуми на годината, след това отшумява. През 1999г.TFK бива избран от "7 Ball Magazine" за една от 25-те топ банди на Северна Америка. Също така биват награждавани с "Best Indie Recording", а Тревър е награден с "Vocalist of the Year"(вокал на годината) от читателите на "The Wire Magazine". Награждават ги още с "Band of the Year"(банда на годината) за 2000 Wire Awards.

Set It Off (2000 г. – 2002 г.) 

Set It Off е пуснат на 14 Ноември, 2000 г. Албумат е определен като heavily hip-hop influenced nu metal. Thousand foot Kritch правят турне на албума през Северна Америка и свършващо със продажбите на 85 000 копия. TFK правят турнета с Finger Eleven, Econoline Crush, Treble Charger, The Tea Party, Matthew Good Band, Gob, Sum 41 и други.Тревър помага при записването на демо албума на Three Days Grace. Около същото време Дейв напуска групата. Той бива сменен с Маик Харисън (Mike Harrison), който се включва година по късно.

Phenomenon (2003 г. – 2004 г.)

Phenomenon е записан през 2003 г. в Tooth & Nail Студио и за разлика от предишният им албум този е ориентиран по към рока отколкото към хип-хопа. Phenomenon бива приет добре и попализира 4 от синглите си по радиото, като един от тях е "Rawkfist". Продават се 200 000 копия от албума, което го превръща в най-добре продавания албум на Tooth & Nail Студио. След ре-реализацията на Set It Off и проведеното турне, Тревър и Аугостин основават тяхна отделна банда - FM Static,която може да се определи като поп-пънк или поп-рок група. През 2004 г. TFK отново тръгват на турне със Kutless.

The Art of Breaking (2005 г. – 2006 г.) 

На 19 Юли 2005 г. реализират поредния си пълен албум The Art of Breaking,продуциран от Arnold Lanni (Our Lady Peace/Finger Eleven/Simple Plan). Този албум преминава границата на алтернативния рок, като се съсредоточава върху по тежки елементи. The Art of Breaking се приема много добре от феновете, въпреки критиките отправени поради смяната на стила. Сингълът "Move" заема 16-то място на Billboard Mainstream Rock в началото на 2006 г. други известни сингли включва и дебютната песен "Absolute", която става любимата на феновете, а "Breathe You In", която се реализира по радиото, бива една от първите на бандата по-бавни песни. по това време бандатата тръгва на турне споделяики сцената със банди като Korn, Paramore, Relient K, AFI, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Hawthorne Heights, Dashboard Confessional, Neverending White Lights, Kill Hannah, Trapt и много други.

The Flame in All of Us (2007 г. – 2008 г.)

След работа в студио със продуцента Ken Andrews (Beck/Chris Cornell/Pete Yorn/Tenacious D/Mae)те реализират "The Flame in All of Us" на 18 Септември 2007 г., като продължават със същия стил като предният им албум. На 20 Януари 2008 г. "The Flame In All Of Us" става 1000та песен в ChristianRock.Net Top 30 Chart. Следва ново турне на групата през пролетта на 2008 г. като отново са със Skillet and Decyfer Down. След постоянно свирене по фестивали през лятото, те получават директа помощ за първото им участие в Creation Festival: The Tour (Турнето). The tour се е съдържало от следващите девет групи: Kutless, TFK, Pillar, KJ-52, Fireflight, Worth Dying For, Run Kid Run, Esterlyn, и Capital Lights. TFK са били поканени да водят началото три от концертите, ноте са отказвали.

Welcome to the Masquerade (2009) 

Последния за сега албум на Thousand Foot Krutch е "Welcome to the Masquerade", за първи път пуснат в началото на 2009 г. През Април'09 г., Тревър се появява на чат на живо с феновете си по TFKTV спонсурирано от Mogulus Live Broadcast. Групата се обедяват с Aaron Sprinkle за ре-продуциране на този албум, с Emery's Matt Carter асистиращ и Randy Staub (Metallica/Stone Sour/Nickelback/Our Lady Peace) миксира. Песента "Fire It Up" ще участва вув видио игри като EA Sports NHL 10 и още няколко, като в същото време ще участва в трейлъра на G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra. Записът е осъществен на 8 Септември 2009 г. и се намира на 35-то място на Billboard 200.

Лятото на 2009 г., Тревър влиза в болница за операция на апендиксита, поради което TFK отменя Creation West Festival (но да не се бърка с Creation Festival: The Tour). Той се завръща на сцената седмица по-късно. Бандата отменя още няколко концерта, включително и този за дюбета на новият им албум. Thousand Foot Krutch отново смята да участва в Creation Festival: The Tour отново с Jars от Clay, Audio Unplugged, B.Reith, FM Static, и This Beautiful Republic, и също така ще изпълнят Christmas holiday show със 30 Seconds to Mars, Flyleaf, After Midnight Project, и The Veer Union.

На 8 Септември 2009 г. трите албума на TFK, Phenomenon, The Art of Breaking, и The Flame In All of Us ще се запишат в едно CD с наименование Deja Vu: The Thousand Foot Krutch Anthology. Thousand Foot Krutch ще проведат турне с Breaking Benjamin, Chevelle и Red in March, след това ще водят турне "Welcome to the Masquerade Tour" със Since October и The Letter Black.

Излиза новина на 29 Януари 2010 г., че най-вероятно някоя песен на Thousand Foot Krutch може да бъде включена в Iron Man 2.

На плакатът на новият им албум на 1 Фебруари 2010 г. бандата се вижда с нов китарист. Неговото име е Ty Dietzler. Той се заместил Nick Baumhardt като временен китарист за TFK. Той също е свирил и за хард-рок групата The Letter Black.

Настоящи членове

  • Trevor McNevan (Тревър МкНевън) - вокал, китарист от 1995г до сега
  • Joel Bruyere - бас китарист, пригласящ вокал, от 1999г до сега – има свой соло проект на име The Drawing Room
  • Steve Augustine - барабанчик(2000-present)


Награди от Gospel Music Association Canada Covenant (CMACC) 

  • 2005г Artist of the Year(Певец на годината)
  • 2005г Group of the Year (Група на годината)
  • 2005г Modern Rock Album of the Year(Модерен рок Албум на годината): The Art of Breaking
  • 2006г Video of the Year(Видео на годината): Move
  • 2008г Group of the Year (Група на годината)
  • 2008г Hard Music Album of the Year(Албум с хард музика на годината): The Flame In All of Us
  • 2008г Hard Music Song of the Year(Хард песен на годината): "Falls Apart"
  • 2009г номиниран, Rock Song of the Year(Рок песен на годината): "What Do We Know?"

Награди Junor

  • 2005г номиниран, Contemporary Christian/Gospel Album of the year (Оригинален албум на годината): Phenomenon
  • 2006г номиниран, Contemporary Christian/Gospel Album of the year (Оригинален албум на годината): The Art of Breaking
  • 2008г номиниран, Contemporary Christian/Gospel Album of the year (Оригинален албум на годината): The Flame in All of Us
  • 2010г номиниран, Contemporary Christian/Gospel Album of the year (Оригинален албум на годината): Welcome to the Masquerade

Награди Shai 

  • 2004 Hard Music Album of the Year(Албум с хард музика на годината): Phenomenon

                                          Thousand Foot Krutch

Thousand Foot Krutch (TFK) are a Canadian Christian rock band formed in 1997. They have released five major studio albums: Set It Off (2001), Phenomenon (2003), The Art of Breaking (2005), The Flame In All of Us (2007), and Welcome to the Masquerade (2009). Singer Trevor McNevan and drummer Steve Augustine are also members of their own side project band called FM Static and Joel Bruyere started his own solo project called The Drawing Room in 2009. The band has sold over a half a million albums as of 2010.

Trevor McNevan began the band in Peterborough, Ontario, a city northeast of Toronto, where he went to high school. Joel Bruyere, born in Brantford, Ontario, was McNevan's childhood friend who had moved away but remained in contact with him. Drummer Steve Augestine is from Hamilton, Ontario. Trevor's first band was Oddball, which featured Dave Smith on guitar, Tim Baxter on bass and Trevor's good friend, Three Days Grace's Neil Sanderson, on drums. Oddball recorded only one album, Shutterbug, which was released in 1995. McNevan is the founding member of TFK (along with original guitarist Dave Smith), formed in 1997 in Peterborough, Ontario. McNevan came up with TFK's name "symbolizing the point in our lives that we realize we can't make it on our own strength". He has written and released 6 albums with Thousand Foot Krutch to date and another three with his side Project FM Static.

TFK has worked with producers Aaron Sprinkle (Mae/Anberlin/MxPx), Gavin Brown (Three Days Grace/Billy Talent/Thornley), Arnold Lanni (Our Lady Peace/Finger Eleven/Simple Plan), and Ken Andrews (Beck/Chris Cornell/Pete Yorn/Tenacious D) on their last 3 Tooth and Nail-released records.

Thousand Foot Krutch has shared the stage with bands like Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace, Finger Eleven, Hinder, Cake, Jimmy Eat World, Paramore, 30 Seconds To Mars, Our Lady Peace, Red, Flyleaf, Yellowcard, Jars of Clay, Sum 41, Trapt, Econoline Crush, Daughtry, Matthew Good Band, Gob, Skillet, Korn, P.O.D., Chevelle, Sevendust, 10 Years, Demon Hunter, Switchfoot, Hawk Nelson, MXPX, Anberlin, Relient K and many more.


Shutterbug (1995–1996)

Shutterbug was released in 1995 by Trevor McNevan. Trevor had friends Dave Smith (guitar), Tim Baxter (bass) and Neil Sanderson (of Three Days Grace) (drums), play on the album. There were 27 songs on the album, the first half rock, the second half hip-hop. McNevan recorded it at Barry Haggarty's studio in his home town of Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. He worked at McDonalds and other jobs to pay for the studio time.

That's What People Do (1997–1999)

That's What People Do was written the year McNevan started TFK in, 1997. It was released independently in 1998 and is out of print. It sold over 5000 copies. TFK climbed the ladder of local notoriety throughout Ontario and abroad. Reaching the ears of Ontario commercial radio, CKWF 101.5 FM in their home town of Peterborough took a chance and added "Rhyme Animal", the band's first single from their independent recording, to their rotation. It clicked with listeners and within two months ended up being one of the five most requested songs of the year. In 1999 TFK was chosen by 7 Ball Magazine as one of the top 25 bands in North America. They were also awarded "Best Indie Recording" and Trevor awarded "Vocalist of the Year" by the readers of The Wire Magazine. They were then awarded "Band of the Year" at the 2000 Wire Awards. They were also voted as the #1 band of the millennium on 100.3 FM in Barrie, Ontario.

Set It Off (2000–2002)

Set It Off was released on November 14, 2000. It was the group's first indie label release. The sound of the album was distinct in its heavily hip-hop influenced nu metal, and though a few songs from the record (including "Puppet" and "Supafly") impacted at both secular and Christian radio, the band gained notoriety almost entirely through self-promotion and word of mouth. The band toured it extensively across North America and ended up garnering much label attention by selling 85,000 copies of the indie release out of their van. [10] The band also printed a limited edition "Pre-release" version of "Set It Off" only sold at their release party at The Gordon Best Theatre in Peterborough, Ontario for their local fans. TFK toured with Finger Eleven, Econoline Crush, Treble Charger, The Tea Party, Matthew Good Band, Gob, Sum 41 and others. Three Days Grace, which was a cover band at that time, was TFK's regular support act. Trevor helped with recordings of Three Days Grace's demo album. He is also featured on their song "This Movie" from this album. Around this same time, Dave Smith left the group; Making McNevan the only original member. Smith was replaced with Mike Harrison, who parted ways about a year later. After Dave Smith's departure, McNevan began writing all the guitar lines and the band has used a live guitar player instead of officially replacing him.

Track seven from this album, entitled "Unbelievable" - a cover of the EMF song of the same name - is said to appear on the soundtrack for the 2010 movie "Just Wright".

Phenomenon (2003–2004)

In 2003, TFK signed with Seattle-based Tooth & Nail Records after long consideration and released their critically-acclaimed second full-length CD, Phenomenon. Though something of a departure from the rap-heavy sound of Set it Off, Phenomenon still relied on McNevan's rhythmic vocals, albeit with a solid modern metal sound. Phenomenon was well received, and spawned 4 popular radio singles, including the anthemic "Rawkfist." The CD sold 200,000 units[11][12]making it one of the best-selling albums in Tooth & Nail's history. They continued this success with the 2004 re-release of Set it Off through Tooth & Nail, allowing for a larger print run and adding 6 songs, including five from "That's What People Do", and one new song "Everyone Like Me", produced by Gavin Brown (Three Days Grace/Billy Talent/Thornley). Now touring majorly, the band needed a guitarist for live shows; because Myke Harrison had not been replaced and Trevor had recorded lead guitars on Phenomenon. So the trio enlisted Jamie Aplin, a member of a fellow Canadian band (h)eadspace who had played drums, as fill in guitarist. Jamie never recorded any records with TFK, making his releationship with the band heavily debated with fans. In that time McNevan and Augustine started a side band called FM Static, which can be classified as a pop-punk or pop/rock band and is usually much more light-hearted. FM Static scoring two #10 hits for their songs "Crazy Mary", and "Something to Believe in." In 2004, TFK toured with Kutless on the "Sea of Faces" tour alongside Falling Up and FM Static.

The Art of Breaking (2005–2006)

On July 19, 2005, they released their third full-length album The Art of Breaking, produced by Arnold Lanni (Our Lady Peace/Finger Eleven/Simple Plan). This album makes almost a complete break from the nu metal sound of Phenomenon, focusing more on heavy elements. The record also features short guitar solos, which is the first TFK album to do so. The Art of Breaking was received well from fans, although some criticized the album's change of style. The single "Move" peaked at #16 on the Billboard Mainstream Rock chart early 2006[citation needed]. Other popular singles included the debut song "Absolute", which became a fan favourite and Breathe You In, which was released to alternative radio and was one of the band's first slower songs. During this time the band toured extensivley, sharing the stage with bands such as Korn, Paramore, Relient K, AFI, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Hawthorne Heights, Dashboard Confessional, Neverending White Lights, Kill Hannah, Trapt, tobyMac, Building 429, and Family Force 5.

The Flame in All of Us (2007–2008)

Bassist Joel Bruyere

After working in the studio with producer Ken Andrews (Beck/Chris Cornell/Pete Yorn/Tenacious D/Mae) they released The Flame in All of Us on September 18, 2007, with a move to a more mainstream rock sound, with some heavy influences from bands such as fellow Canadian artists Our Lady Peace & other various metal bands. The album is called by fans to defining the band's genre (due to the difference between "Phenomenon" and "The Art of Breaking") and features the singles "Falls Apart", "What do we Know?", "Favorite Disease" and "The Flame in All of Us". On January 20, 2008 "The Flame In All Of Us" became the 1000th song to ever make it on the ChristianRock.Net Top 30 Chart. Also on Thousand Foot Krutch was the favorite artist on the 2nd of July 2007 and 26 August 2007.

In 2006, Trevor became involved with TobyMac and helped him write the song "Ignition" found on Toby's album "Portable Sounds". The song has been used in many tv/film placements including monday night football and Nascar. Because of this, in the spring of 2007 the band was part of the TobyMac Portable Sounds tour. The tour was such a success that Toby asked them to do the fall tour as well.

The next tour was in the spring of 2008 when the band toured with Skillet and Decyfer Down. TFK performed with P.O.D., Chevelle, Sevendust, 10 Years, Daughtry, Red and many other bands on this album. After a lengthy summer playing festivals and one-offs, they were direct support for the very first Creation Festival: The Tour. The tour consisted of the following nine bands: Kutless, TFK, Pillar, KJ-52, Fireflight, Worth Dying For, Run Kid Run, Esterlyn, and Capital Lights. TFK was asked to headline the tour three shows in, but declined. TFK covered the Christmas song "Jingle Bell Rock" for the Christmas album X Christmas, put out by Tooth & Nail Records.

Welcome to the Masquerade (2009–present)

Thousand Foot Krutch's next album, titled Welcome to the Masquerade, first announced in early 2009. In April '09, Trevor appeared in a live chat with fans via TFKTV hosted by Mogulus Live Broadcast, where revealed several facts about the record. The band reunited with Aaron Sprinkle to co-produce this album (Sprinkle had previously produced the TFK album Phenomenon) with Emery's Matt Carter assisting and Randy Staub (Metallica/Stone Sour/Nickelback/Our Lady Peace) mixing. The song "Fire It Up" will be featured in video games such as EA Sports NHL 10 and a few others and is featured in the G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra movie trailer. The record was released on September 8, 2009 and peaked at #35 on the Billboard 200.

In summer 2009, McNevan underwent emergency surgery on his appendix, causing TFK to cancel at Creation West Festival (not to be confused with Creation Festival: The Tour). He returned to play shows a week later. The band did appear at many other festivals, including their debut appearance at Soulfest. Thousand Foot Krutch has now announced a fall tour to support Welcome to The Masquerade and during fall 2009, TFK performed again on Creation Festival: The Tour, with Jars of Clay, Audio Unplugged, B.Reith, FM Static, and This Beautiful Republic, and also a Christmas holiday show with 30 Seconds to Mars, Flyleaf, After Midnight Project, and The Veer Union.

On September 8, 2009, TFK's three albums, Phenomenon, The Art of Breaking, and The Flame In All of Us were re-released as a three-CD set called Deja Vu: The Thousand Foot Krutch Anthology.

Thousand Foot Krutch will be touring with Breaking Benjamin, Chevelle and Red in March and then headlining Welcome to the Masquerade Tour with Since October and The Letter Black, and Write This Down in the fall.

The Peterborough Examiner reported on January 29th that an unspecified Thousand Foot Krutch song may be used in Iron Man 2.

In a recent concert video posted on February 1, the band was seen with a new guitarist. His name is Ty Dietzler. He has replaced Nick Baumhardt as the touring guitarist for TFK. He has also played rhythm guitar for Christian hard rock band The Letter Black.

In the first week of April 2010, "Fire it Up" was released for the Rock band music store in Rock Band 2. On April 19, The Detroit Red Wings featured "The Invitation" and "Welcome To The Masquerade" during the pre-game introduction. On May 11, 2010, Trevor announced on his personal Facebook page: "We [TFK] covered "The Heat Miser Song" from the old classic Christmas special, gonna do one with FM too, but that's a surprise..." referring to their upcoming appearance on the album "X-Christmas 2" by Tooth and Nail Records. He has also stated that a live DVD for TFK is planned for the very near future and is being recorded on May 28 at YC Alberta at Rexall Place in Edmonton in front of an audience of 14,000 people. TFK's song "Unbelievable" is to be used in the movie Just Wright.During the 2010 NBA playoffs, TFK's song "Move" is being used by ABC.


  • Trevor McNevan - vocals, guitar (Studio) (1995-present)
  • Joel Bruyere - Bass Guitar, backing vocals (1999-present) – founded a solo project called The Drawing Room.
  • Steve Augustine - drums (2000-present)
  • Jamie Aplin - Guitar (2003-2007)
  • Nick Baumhardt - Guitar, backing vocals, keyboard[(2007-2010)
  • Ty Dietzler - Guitar (2010-present)
  • Neil Sanderson - Drums (1995-1997)
  • Tim Baxter - Bass Guitar (1995-1998)
  • Dave Smith - Guitar (1995-2001)
  • Christian Harvey - drums (1997-1999)
  • Pat Pedasiuk - Bass Guitar (1998-1999)
  • Geoff "Johnny Orbital" Laforet - drums (1999-2000)
  • Mike Harrison - Guitar (2001-2003)
  • Aaron Sprinkle - keyboards and additional guitars (Phenomenon, Welcome to the Masquerade)
  • Arnold Lanni - keyboards (The Art of Breaking)
  • Ken Andrews - keyboards (The Flame in All of Us)
  • Phil X - additional guitars (The Art of Breaking), The Flame in All of Us)
  • Randy Torres - additional guitars (Welcome to the Masquerade)
  • Pete Stewart - additional guitar on "Fire it Up" (Welcome to the Masquerade)
  • Charlotte Martin - backing vocals on "Inhuman" (The Flame in All of Us)
  • Adam Gontier - additional vocals on "Hurt" and "Go" (The Art of Breaking)


  • Shutterbug (1995) - as Oddball
  • That's What People Do (1998)
  • Set It Off (2001)
  • Phenomenon (2003)
  • The Art of Breaking (2005)
  • The Flame in All of Us (2007)
  • Welcome to the Masquerade (2009)

Known unreleased songs

  • Headroom
  • Rude Awakening
  • Small to Say
  • Shook
  • Take It Out on Me
  • Anyone ElseAwards and recognition
Gospel Music Association Canada Covenant Awards
  • 2005 Artist of the Year
  • 2005 Group of the Year
  • 2005 Modern Rock Album of the Year: The Art of Breaking
  • 2006 Video of the Year: Move
  • 2008 Group of the Year
  • 2008 Hard Music Album of the Year: The Flame In All of Us
  • 2008 Hard Music Song of the Year: "Falls Apart"
GMA Dove Awards
  • 2010 nominee, Rock Album of the Year: Welcome to the Masquerade
  • 2010 nominee, Rock Song of the Year: "Bring Me To Life"
Juno Awards
  • 2005 nominee, Contemporary Christian/Gospel Album of the year: Phenomenon
  • 2006 nominee, Contemporary Christian/Gospel Album of the year: The Art of Breaking
  • 2008 nominee, Contemporary Christian/Gospel Album of the year, The Flame in All of Us
  • 2010 nominee, Contemporary Christian/Gospel Album of the year: Welcome to the Masquerade
Shai Awards (formerly The Vibe Awards)
  • 2004 Hard Music Album of the Year: Phenomenon
  • TFK won Taco Bell's "Feed The Beat" competition in 2008 along with Fireflight and Hit The Lights, they played the Winter X Games in Aspen with ESPN/Taco Bell.


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Най-слушана музика




Последно редактирани: Aerosmith , Usher , Stevie Wonder



Последно редактирани: Heart , The 5th Dimension , Connie Francis



Последно редактирани: Tarja Turunen , Disturbed , AFTER FOREVER

Последно слушани: Project Arcadia,,