Porchia / Биография

Дата на раждане
29 август
Q&A (from Glamour Stars Live).

What do you like most about being a model?
All the hot girls I get to meet! Ha! I love how every day is different...I’d get so bored doing the same thing everyday....or I’d get distracted by something shiny!! I’ve also travelled to lots of countries which I’ve loved.

What do you think is your best feature?
Hmmmm...I get complemented on my legs and eyes quite a lot so I guess one of those.

What are your hobbies and interests?
I love love love cooking!! I’m pretty good at it to. Travelling, shopping, going to the cinema (I studied film at college so I looooove films), trying different foods, going out with my girlfriends, bla bla bla.

What three things do you really love?
I love Jessie J, Katy Perry and Pink...seriously how hot are they! I love love shoes...I have wayyyyyy too many I love love love interesting facts, conspiracy theories and useless information.

What three things do you really hate?
I hate cats I hate hate rude/arrogant/bitchy people I hate hate hate doughnuts, fruit, salad and drinks with bits in.

What is your favourite outfit, item of clothing or underwear?
I have a lovely 1940's underwear, its pale pink all in one dress which is backless and has suspender clips attached to the bottom...very sexual. I wore it to a Burlesque club for my birthday last year.

If you won a million what is the first thing you'd do?
Go book a holiday for tomorrow then go look at a few houses.

What is your favourite food & drink?
Hmmmmmmm I can’t pick...I love lots of food....pie, sausage and mash, sushi, Indian, Chinese, any form of chocolate dessert drink...hmmmmmmmmm champers is always lovely to have...makes a girl all bubbly.

What is your favourite film?
Wrong person to ask....I have loads of favourite films from 'butterfly effect' to 'La Hein'. 'He's just not that into you' to 'step brothers'.

What is your favourite type of music?
I love rock music...I swear I should have been born in 1980's America.

What turns you on?
Kissing on the neck.....helloooooo goosebumps.

What is your favourite flirting technique?
Humour is the best way to flirt...as Miss Monroe said "If you can make a girl laugh you can make her do anything."

How would a man (or woman) win your heart?
Laughter, food and wine.

What do you look for in a man (or woman)?
Ambition, fun, caring and humour are the main things that I look for.

Do you have any celebrity crushes?
Many....Seth Rogan, Paul Rudd, Ron Weasley, Johnny Depp, Tommy Lee, Katy Perry, Paul Walker, Puck from Glee, Pink, Megan Fox.

Share a naughty secret with us?
I don’t wear underwear very much.

Do you have a personal motto or mantra?
Don’t regret anything.

If I wasn't doing this, I'd probably be….?
A crackhead

Последна редакция от Joro37 - 10.06.2011, 10:04

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